Dear Michael!
We are creative group “Posrednik” (intermediary) from Russia and we are realizing the “Babylon 6” noncommercial project. The project is devoted to creation a science-fiction series (for now only in the form of the script, races description, the organizations, planetary systems, and also 3D models of space-crafts and characters). Action occurs in the Universe of «Babylon-5» of 2340th years, where orbit of Torina-5 became home for the new station of the Interstellar Alliance «Babylon 6».
This project is the initiative of the young men who estimate a «Babylon 5», as the best series of XX century. The idea of new history based on the Universe created by you, not only ours, but also of many fans of «Babylon 5». But not all have reached smth on this way. We did a lot and we have strong confidence, that we will reach our goals.
Main idea of the project is creation of a high-grade science-fiction series «Babylon 6», worthy of your name, of your universe and your success. We understand, that «Babylon 5» was the last of “Babylon” stations, but … And this «But …» we would like to share with you, in fact that even for one » But …» always will be place in our hearts. Therefore, if you will allow, we would like to send you in advance prepared set of the materials, concerning essences of our project and would like to hear your opinion on them, and also possible advice concerning the future of the project.
What do you think about the name “Babylon 6”? Is it possible for your Universe?
Best regards, with hope “Posrednik” creative group.
Nothing related to babylon 5 can go forward in any way without making a deal with Warner bros. that requires a network studio and several million dollars.
Of course, our project will stay noncommercial fanfiction without making a deal with Warner bros. We do not intend to infringe copyright. We are creative group, not a production company, we are not professionals. (Maybe in the future). We do what we do because we love it. Important for us is your opinion on what we’re doing, on idea of sequel of „Babylon 5“ and the story of «Babylon 6», because it concerns the universe created by you.
Like you, we want to add to the legacy of «Babylon 5», and not to take away from him.
Best regards and thank you for the quick response.
Posrednik Creative Group.
Жаль, что у него такое мнение. Хотя, его логику вполне можно понять. Тем не менее, это нас не останавливает.
Что тут поделать. Бизнес есть бизнес.
Даже третий сезон Stargate Universe не стали снимать из-за низких рейтингов (читай денег мало приносит).
Он ответил как профессионал я считаю.
Уже очень долго слежу за вашим проектом. Сам правда не смог внести хоть какую-то лепту.
Но я тоже хочу чтобы история вселенной В5 не заканчивалась (например как тот же Стартрек). Новые истории, герои и их судьбы. Именно этого хочеться поклонникам качественной научной фантастики.
Да, JMS, конечно, прав со своей точки зрения. Досадно просто, что он никак не высказался относительно самой идеи «Вавилона-6». На эту тему я собираюсь выложить текстик в ближайшее время.