

Разведчик класса "Тёмная звезда"
Interstellar Alliance logo

History of development

The Minbari Warrior Caste is primarily behind the creation of the Dark Star. Although the ship was technically designed largely by the engineers of the Master Caste, the Warriors worked hard to bring the project to completion.

The main obstacle to the realisation of this ambitious project was the fact that they were using the lessons learned from the study of Shadow technology, which Minbar had taken as spoils of war.

Разведчик класса "Тёмная звезда"
Разведчик класса "Тёмная звезда"

Particle of the Darkness

Secretly, the Warriors collected, studied and stored the found Shadow technologies. Gradually they introduced the idea of the need for research in this direction, and got the Master Caste to lift some restrictions and allocate resources for the then still “theoretical” project. The Warriors promoted the Darkstar as a secret scout ship for the Rangers, thus hiding behind this organisation and its service for the benefit of the Interstellar Alliance, in order to promote research and creation of advanced technologies, in addition to the generally accepted Vorlon direction. As time went on, it became clear that the available Vorlon technologies did not provide the required performance, but some Shadows technologies could help.

In particular, armour and camouflage systems were developed from the ancient enemy’s biotechnology. The Warrior Caste also sought to provide a similar hyperspace transition to that of the Shadows ships, but it failed. The result was a new type of hyperdrive that was able to go to hyperspace and back almost unnoticed.

Technical data



368 metres



215 metres



74 metres

Artificial gravity



16 rangers


Only crew

Разведчик класса "Тёмная звезда" - виж сверху


2 gravimetric engines


1 hybrid hyperspace tap
2 quantum gravimetric reactors

Hyperspace drive



25 years


Class A-
Manoeuvring in the atmosphere possible

Разведчик класса "Тёмная звезда" - вид сбоку
Разведчик класса "Тёмная звезда" - вид снизу


  • 1 heavy quantum-gravity beam cannon VT-3
  • 2 heavy quantum-gravity beam cannons VT-2
  • 8 new generation double-barrel rapid-fire pulse turrets
  • 5 launchers with 5 missiles each
  • 4-barrel retractable turret


  • 1 Kinsha class multifunctional shuttlecraft


  • 1-8 metres of hybrid multi-layer semi-organic armour
  • advanced stealth system
  • tractor beams
  • jamming system

Exploration equipment

  • 4 reconnaissance probes
  • 5 autonomous drones


  • Ghost / Ninro (flagship)
  • Necromancer / Kuuro
  • Witch / Lateegna

Weapon systems

Разведчик класса "Тёмная звезда"

Main calibre

The firepower of the Darkstar is very high for a ship of this size. This is primarily due to the powerful adapted Vorlon VT-3 cannon, as well as two smaller similar VT-2 guns. With this armament, the Dark Star is capable of dealing with any enemy. This was intended, as most of the time ships of this class have to spend in autonomous dangerous missions, and the ability to stand up for themselves, or to fulfil any task, is essential.

Defensive turrets

Since the Darkstar has to perform its tasks independently, and its size does not allow it to have its own fighter wing, the ship was equipped with a sufficient number of retractable defence turrets capable of covering the ship from all sides and from any threats.

оборонительные турели
Разведчик класса "Тёмная звезда" - ракетные установки

Rocket launchers

In addition to its powerful power armament, the Darkstar is equipped with missile launchers designed to enhance the ship’s combat mission capabilities.

Разведчик класса "Тёмная звезда" - вид спереди
Разведчик класса "Тёмная звезда" - вид сзади

Presence in the fleet

A total of 3 ships of this class were built. In the first mission they were sent immediately after construction to find out where Aggressor-2338 came from.

Разведчик класса "Тёмная звезда"
Разведчик класса "Тёмная звезда"


Крейсер Платри - набросок

Idea: Drond

Model: Dmitry Oshanin

Modification: Henry Pashkov

Year (idea/model/modification): 2009/2014/2022

Description: At first I wanted to create a new variant of the Whitestar, but later the idea was somewhat transformed, and the ship turned into a kind of special forces ship of piece production, not serial, as it was with the Whitestar.