SuperNova (trailer)

A dark room is shown lit by candle light. An old Minbari woman sits with her back in front of the camera (Delenn).
Delenn’s voice: flow of time washes everything.

Ships passing by in hyperspace but none of thi is shown clearly ( Ships of Aggressor 2338)

A dark room is shown lit by candle light. An old Minbari woman sits with her back in front of the camera (Delenn). Camera is slowly moving in.
Delenns voice: to rinse almost everything away without a trace

A conference room on Minbar is shown, A meeting with the military.
Chief officer: everyone …can take on the Sharlin of the Minbari.
President: their goal?
Human Admiral: All depends on the allies.

The hall of the grey council is shown (council is assibling):
Commander: Damn it! Where are the others?
Drazi: we can’t risk it.

A dark room is shown lit by candle light. An old Minbari woman sits with her back in front of the camera (Delenn). Camera is slowly moving in.
Delenns voice: but there are events…

The colony Sarvival is shown:
Several eniy ships preparing to land, they maneuver through the debris of the destroyed Minbari ships (length max 2 s)

A dark room is shown lit by candle light. An old Minbari woman sits with her back in front of the camera (Delenn). Camera is slowly moving in.
Delenns voice: individuals…

A Richter with bitterness in his face is shown:
Richter (stepping back, trying to find somewhere to sit): oh, no.

Kell is shown in the cockpit of his fighter:
Captain of “Basilisk”: …kick those bastards asses!

A dark room is shown lit by candle light. An old Minbari woman sits with her back in front of the camera (Delenn). Camera is slowly moving in.
Delenns voice: Places…

The battle near the last big base before Minbar is shown:
The fleet of the alliance jumps out of hyperspace. The battle of the riaining reserves is in full play.
President (angry): You know that well…
First (chief) (concerned): They’re flying to Minbar.

A dark room is shown lit by candle light. An old Minbari woman sits with her back in front of the camera (Delenn). Camera is slowly moving in.
Delenns voice: for him it is difficult too to dive into the past

Minbari Federation. Space:
On the Flagships bridge of the Narn fleet. Commander establishes a channel to his ships.
Commander of the Narn: 2 days
Alit of the warrior caste (Minbari): …this is one of our biggest colonies.

A dark room is shown lit by candle light. An old Minbari woman sits with her back in front of the camera (Delenn). Camera is slowly moving in.
Delenns voice: They become Legends

Ships of the Aggressor 2338 are shown as they fire at the Minbari base.
Admiral: I am sorry major.
Richter (to the others): there’s no room for mistakes

Representatives of the alliance are shown as they argue.
Admiral: the capital lies in ruins.
Representative: Minbar.

A dark room is shown lit by candle light. An old Minbari woman sits with her back in front of the camera (Delenn). Camera is slowly moving in.
Delenns voice: …the Keepers of Dreams and Hope…
The destroyed capital of Minbar is shown.
Camera is shown Delenn’s face so close that almost only her eyes are to see. They are closed then they suddenly open:
Delenn’s voice: But…

Text on the black screen (slowly getting bigger): ever and anon, the time comes where Legends must return.

Camera flies around Torina 5 and Babylon 6 come into the picture, the lights are switch on. Two ships of the Victory class beside it.

On the screen appears (somehow in cool) the symbol of the station, the title “Babylon 6” is shown, at the same time the soundtrack reaches its peak. Then all goes black.

Centauri Woman: We all live on the precipice. (edge)